Everyone said being a grandparent is wonderful so I should not have been so wildly surprised. But I was. Quite frankly, I've been astonished by how much fun I'm having. The other day, I was chatting with my client Kim and he mentioned his two grandsons and we switched topics from real estate to talking about our little ones. He said "Grandchildren are the payoff for existence, aren't they? They're a whole other spectrum."
I couldn't have said it better. It feels like I was handed a beautiful gift for having done nothing more than being alive. Life was humming along, with its wonders and challenges, and suddenly there was this entirely new gorgeous facet. Miss Eleanor was born right after Thanksgiving. She's four months old and delights my heart every day. Every milestone, every all encompassing smile, every snuggle, every giggle, her wonder as she notices small details in the world around her makes my world feel just a bit more extraordinary.