I spent the morning overpacking for Burning Man. I usually underpack, but given there are no stores to pop into, I figured I'd best throw in extra everything. Plus, it's hot during the day and cold at night. And also, it could rain…though that seems unlikely to happen this year. But did I still pack a rain poncho and boots? Yes, yes, I did. The temporary city of Black Rock occupies over four square miles, with art installations spread further out over the playa. A bicycle is a must-have, and because I'll sometimes be riding under starlight and don't want anyone to crash into me, I lit my beach cruiser up like a Christmas tree. I’ve got lights around the tire rims, a headlight, a winking taillight, extra light reflectors in the spokes and, just for fun, a pinwheel on the front of my basket. I took it out for a spin this morning and felt like a kid, flying along the blacktop. I'm a little nervous, but more than that, I'm excited to spend time with people I love and cool people I'd like to get to know better (our camp will have 20 people total). Though my suitcase is enormous (not to mention two (okay fine, three) plastic bins with other necessaries and so many snacks and bottles of wine), I plan to follow the novelist Cesare Pavese's advice. If you wish to travel far and fast, travel light. Take off all your envies, jealousies, unforgiveness, selfishness, and fears. Here's to adventuring and traveling light!