The midterm elections are officially upon us. Early voting starts this weekend. Nevadans this year get to decide who they want to lead the state and represent their interests in Washington D.C. for years to come. While the ballot may not have a presidential race at the top of it, it will have a race some believe could decide the fate of the U.S. Senate, as well as three U.S. House races, a gubernatorial race and dozens of down-ballot races that affect local spending and your direct community. Voters this year will also be asked to weigh in on equal rights, minimum wage and reforming the current election system.
Voting in Nevada is easier than in many states. Here’s what you need to know:

Mail Ballots
All active registered voters by default were sent mail ballots. You can fill out this ballot and drop it in the mailbox. (Don’t forget to sign the envelope!) You do not need postage. Your ballot will need to be postmarked by Election Day, Nov. 8 and must be received by the county by 5 p.m. on Nov. 12 in order to be counted.
Ballot Dropboxes
Voters can also drop off their completed mail ballot at a physical dropbox. There will be a dropbox at every vote center.
Voting in Person
Early voting begins Saturday, Oct. 22 and runs through Friday, Nov. 4.
Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m. Anyone in line at 7 p.m. is legally allowed to cast a vote.
Voting locations for all counties can be found on the Nevada Secretary of State website here. You can visit any location in your county.
If you received a mail ballot, you will be asked to surrender it before voting. If you don’t have the mail ballot to surrender, you will be asked to sign an affirmation saying you will not vote twice in the same election.
If you are already registered to vote, you do not need a picture ID to vote in Nevada. You should only have to give your name and signature in order to vote.
What if…
What if I didn’t receive my mail ballot? Voters who have not received their mail ballot by Friday, Oct. 21 can request a replacement ballot from their county. Clark County’s Election Department mail ballot hotline is: (702) 455-6552.
What if I’m not registered to vote? Nevada allows for same-day voter registration. You will need a valid (meaning not expired) Nevada driver’s license or identification. If your ID doesn’t have your current address, you’ll also need proof of residency too. For complete details on all that: click here.
What if I am a new Nevada resident? New Nevada residents can walk-in to DMV offices in Carson City, Henderson, Las Vegas and Reno in order to transfer their out-of-state driver’s license or ID and register to vote in Nevada. The DMV will accept these walk-ins between 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Monday through Friday until Election Day. For details on what new Nevada residents need, visit this DMV page.
What if I see something shady happen? You can fill out an “Election Integrity Violation Report” and send it to the Nevada Secretary of State. Details here.
More immediately: You can call the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline at 866-OUR-VOTE
What if I don’t know who to vote for? The Current has a General Election Voter Guide that might help.
What if I’m too young to vote? Vote in the state’s student mock election!